Herringthorpe Valley Road, Rotherham, S65 2NU

01709 361502

St Mary's Catholic Primary School

At Saint Mary’s, we provide many opportunities for both children and staff to deepen their understanding and knowledge of the Catholic Social Teaching principles. We live out our faith in our community and the wider world. The values are rooted in Scripture, formed by the wisdom of Church leaders, and influenced by grassroots movements. They are our moral compass, guiding us on how to live out our faith. Our belief in God helps us to be global citizens. We teach the children about the dignity of the human person, how we are called to live and participate as a community, that we are called to care for creation, our responsibility for the poor and vulnerable, about the dignity and rights of workers and about solidarity and the promotion of peace. We do this through RE lessons, links in the curriculum, assemblies, outside visitors, through drama, debate, and first-hand experience. As a result, our children feel that they are making a difference to the world by having an impact on Social Justice.