Herringthorpe Valley Road, Rotherham, S65 2NU

01709 361502

St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Growing in Faith Together 

2024 - 2025

Our GIFT team members this year in key stage two are: 


Year Three - Marcella and Benas  

Year Four - Bryan and Ema   

Year Five - Julia and Benjamin  

Year Six - Samuel and Evamaria 


Our prayer leaders in key stage one are:


Year Two - Tyrell and Ava

Year One - Aurora and Robert 

Keep popping back to see what we have been up to as a GIFT team. 


Planning and Leading Celebration of the Word

Focus: Saint Francis of Assisi

Community Litter pick 

GIFT team training at St. Bernard's 

October - Month of the Rosary 

November meeting 

Planning and Leading Assembly on our new Catholic Social Teaching Theme -

Preferential option for the poor


KS2 performance planning meeting 

GIFT team commissioning - St. Bede's Catholic Church, Rotherham 

St. Francis Catholic Academy Trust gather to celebrate the Feast of Christ the King - St Peter of Chains Catholic Church,  Doncaster

Making the chapel Advent Wreath